Saturday, November 17, 2012

Diagnosis and my journey so far

It all began a few weeks ago. I was experiencing something every woman experiences; breast pain. I decided to check things out and I noticed that my right breast looked different. My first thought was oh crap! I need to go to the doctor. I went to the PA, who automatically decided I needed a mammogram. Went for the mammogram and then needed an ultrasound. The ultrasound and mammogram were both suspicious;  Birads 4.

I was scared but still hopeful, after all most biospys even on Birads 4 patients end up being benign. So I went on with life the best I could, A couple days later, yesterday actually I got a call from the radiologist with the results. I missed the call because I was busy working, I saw that he had called and I thought I best call him back now. Went into the hall outside of the floor where I work and got the news. "I have the results of your biopsy, unfortunately it was positive." The worst part is that he would not even give me details about the cancer. AND according to him I would get info the week after thanksgiving when I saw a surgeon. I broke down right in the hallway, so embarrassing. The timing was perfect however because the HR trainer came out and asked what was wrong I told her. She ran over and hugged me and helped me up stairs to HR. They called my mom who came picked me up and brought me home.

I made several calls got my appointment moved up to this Tuesday and called a nurse advocate who had a copy of my pathology report and explained things to me. Just telling this story is emotionally exhausting. I will tell more later.

For those of you coming across this blog; whether you are awaiting a mammogram, biopsy, just diagnosed or have been battling for years.. you are not alone.

For friends and family that come across this blog. I am going to fight like hell. I am not going to let this beat me. No way is this cancer going to deprive me of growing old with my husband- my mantra for right now.

I apologize for the typos and horrible punctuation.


  1. You're totally gonna whip this thing, Jamie.

    1. Hells yeah! Liz we should hang this weekend, text me!
