Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wow it has been a long time since I blogged

I apologize that I have not blogged in so long. I am back to work part time now and that takes a lot out of me. Anywho, an update.

I finished my chemotherapy on March 27th. I am very relieved to be past it. Recovery is taking awhile. I am still exhausted and have some neuropathy. But on the plus side my hair is growing back! As some of you know, after chemo I was given a choice: mastectomy or lumpectomy. My surgeon was recommending radiation either way. This choice was the most difficult one I have ever made. I knew a lumpectomy would leave me disfigured, but would conserve the breast. I knew a mastectomy meant that I would be living without a breast for 6 months to a year. I was worried what my husband would think, how he would feel about me once the surgery was done. I was wondering how I would cope with either decision. With a lumpectomy I would be left with a fear of a local recurrence. I figured every lump and bump would terrify me and I do not want to spend my life being afraid. Although to be honest I think I will always be afraid at some level because there is a small chance of metastasis. I spent hours on the internet looking at message boards and for pictures of lumpectomies, mastectomies and reconstruction. I came across the scar project and looked at the photos. Those women were beautiful even with lacking one or both breasts. This gave me courage. I decided I would have the mastectomy, save myself some of the worry and I will still be beautiful :-).

So my mastectomy and auxillary node clearance are scheduled for June 12th. I am scared, but I know it is the best decision for me. Once I finish with the surgery aprox 3 weeks later I will begin to have radiation, oh the joy! Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving! But, it will be okay. As of June 14th, I will be an 8 month breast cancer survivor!

For those facing the mastectomy/lumpectomy choice. Consult your cancer team. But, this I promise you no matter your choice mastectomy or lumpectomy; it is the correct one! Own your choice, never doubt it, never look back! You are strong, you are courageous and you are beautiful. You will win in the end!

That is all for now,

I Fight Like A Woman

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