Monday, January 28, 2013

Chemo part 2 delayed and...the real deal

I apologize I have not posted chemo prep part two. I filmed it before my most recent Tx and have been struggling. I will try to get it posted in the next few days depending on how I am feeling.

I had a rough weekend and morning due to lovely chemo side effects. Ended up at the Oncologists office getting extra fluids (having trouble drinking enough), steroids, Ativan for nausea and to help me chill out and a  perscription to treat my thrush. Yes! I got the horrid Thrush! I also got a talking to about taking my meds, all of my meds when I need them and staying ahead. I am beginning to feel better and I am on board with that.

I had an interesting discussion with my best friend tonight. I usually try to be light about everything, sarcastic at times and I joke.

Tonight she said. Seriously how are you doing? Wow, what a question. It is a difficult one to answer because   Cancer treatment is kind of a rollercoaster; just ask my amazing husband. I can be fine one moment and crying my eyes out the next. Between the drugs they give you, the fear you face on an almost daily basis, the loss of control over your life; it is enough to drive anyone mad.

I honestly know very little about what the future holds. I feel okay now, but I can wake up tomorrow feeling like total crap. There are times just hearing my husband play the ukulele; I begin to cry because statistics begin to play in my mind and I wonder, just for a second, will I beat this? Luckily the answer from me at least is a resounding yes, I do not know how I will beat this, but I will. I will grow old with my husband!!

So my answer for my friend was depends on the moment, the day. I need to break things down into moment by moment, day by day. Like for this moment I am doing okay. I think this is useful advice for anyone facing down the dreaded Cancer beast. Try taking things day by day, if it is too much take it moment by moment. AND if things are really crappy call your Oncologist. Their goal is to get you through treatment.

That is all for now,

-I Fight Like a Woman

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