I must must must get better at keeping this blog updated!
I wanted to take some time to post about Breast Cancer Awareness. I am feeling pretty passionate about it right now since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is important that every woman and man takes measures to keep tabs on their health. One never knows when something ugly like Breast Cancer will pop up. Take me for example, no family history and I was diagnosed at 32 years old so you never know!
There are two things that every woman can do to keep an eye on her breast health.
The first is monthly Breast Self Exams.
These seem like a pain in the butt and maybe they are but, doing one can save your life. I encourage you to do one today and repeat monthly, forever!
The American Cancer Society Recommends women over the age of 20 perform these exams monthly. Honestly, I do not think it can hurt to begin younger and get in the habit.
There are two links below with instructions on how to perform one.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VsyE2rCW71o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The Second thing a woman can do to catch breast cancer is mammograms. The American Cancer Society recommends that women with an average risk of breast cancer get a mammogram every year starting at 40 years old.
The word mammogram scares many women who fear it. Why do they fear it? They are afraid of the pain. I have had a few mammograms in my journey and I can tell you that while they are not what I would call fun, they are not horrifically painful either. They are quick and did not hurt me at all! It is a test that can save your life.
MEN, yes you! Yes, your risk of getting breast cancer is much lower than a womans; but there is still a risk. You should do monthly exams as well. Get to know your chest, what it looks like when its normal, feel for any bumps or lumps, feel under your arms as well! Here is a link explaining how to do it!
I know Breast Self Exams and Mammograms will not prevent Brest Cancer but, they can help you catch it early which is a huge part of the battle. Catching it at Stage 0 is a completely different journey from catching it at the later stages. No promises but it could be a difference between chemo and no chemo, a lumpectomy versus a mastectomy etc.
So friends, family, blog readers, I implore you, I beg you, please take care of yourselves. This is one battle I would not wish on my worst enemy. #CatchItAtStage0
Friday, October 4, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Post Radiation Update
Hey All,
I finished up radiation a few weeks ago and I am recovering. It was unexpected but radiation was difficult for me. It has left me exhausted and very burned. For those about to go through radiation, you may not get bad burns like I did; the oncologist said what happened to me only happens in about 10 percent of patients. Lucky me!
I am about totally zapped of energy right now. I will try to post again tomorrow with some pictures from Radiation!
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman
I finished up radiation a few weeks ago and I am recovering. It was unexpected but radiation was difficult for me. It has left me exhausted and very burned. For those about to go through radiation, you may not get bad burns like I did; the oncologist said what happened to me only happens in about 10 percent of patients. Lucky me!
I am about totally zapped of energy right now. I will try to post again tomorrow with some pictures from Radiation!
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists and Surgeons oh my!
So over the past 2 days I have met with every member of my cancer care team, my Radiation Oncologist, my Medical Oncologist and my surgeon. They all basically said the same thing, that they spoke about me at Cancer panel last week, went over every single test I had since my first mammogram. They all seemed kind of disappointment that the chemo did not do more, but said the chemo did do something, it killed some of the cancer which helps!. The amount of positive lymph nodes concerns them and I was told that I have a right to be concerned as well (gee, thanks doc!). Any who, this cancer is still considered "potentially curable" meaning that it may not kill me. As I explained in the previous blog the way it works with breast cancer is they know they cured you when/if you die of something else. So I will never hear, "you are cured". The most I can hope for is a NED (No evidence of disease) classification, which means that there may be cancer hanging out somewhere but they do not see evidence of it.
There is a chance I will die of old age, which makes me happy and that is my goal. To make this happen I have to continue to jump through the Doctors hoops and try to make myself as healthy as possible.
I was presented with another treatment option yesterday, which will be discussed further after my radiation is completed. It is a difficult choice to make, so prayers please!
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
A Cure
Hello Dear Friends,
Recently I was asked by a friend if I was in remission. The short answer is no. The long answer is a little more difficult for people that do not have cancer to understand. I will never be told that I am cured, I will never be told that I am in remission. The only way the doctors have of knowing if I beat this cancer is when I die of something else. Nice, huh?
At first this news was hard to take but, it is the reality of things. The Drs. will never know if I have cancer cells hiding out someplace in my body waiting for their chance to multiply. I do not know my chances of developing metastatic breast cancer (stage IV), but the chance is always there. My surgeon told me today that he doubts that he got all the cancer, he said there is probably some lymph node with some cancer left in it, that cannot be helped. The Good news of it all is that the Chemo did kick some butt, it decreased the amount of live cancer in my body, the surgery took out most of the rest of it, hopefully the radiation will take care of whatever is left. And in addition to that I am on hormone therapy for at least 5 years. And as you already know I am on Herceptin for a year.
I am slowly coming to peace with the fact that I am going to spend the rest of my life with Breast Cancer looming somewheres in the background. I just hope it is a long life, after all, I have to grow old with my husband :-). In addition to that I have many other things that I wish to do in my life.
For all those that are dealing with this horrid fucking disease; know that you are a survivor from day one of your diagnosis. Know that there are 5, 10, 15, 20 plus year survivors. You will hang in there! And one day there will even be a cure. There is a breast cancer vaccine in clinical trials, I will blog about it once I have more information.
That is all for now,
-I Fight like a woman!
Recently I was asked by a friend if I was in remission. The short answer is no. The long answer is a little more difficult for people that do not have cancer to understand. I will never be told that I am cured, I will never be told that I am in remission. The only way the doctors have of knowing if I beat this cancer is when I die of something else. Nice, huh?
At first this news was hard to take but, it is the reality of things. The Drs. will never know if I have cancer cells hiding out someplace in my body waiting for their chance to multiply. I do not know my chances of developing metastatic breast cancer (stage IV), but the chance is always there. My surgeon told me today that he doubts that he got all the cancer, he said there is probably some lymph node with some cancer left in it, that cannot be helped. The Good news of it all is that the Chemo did kick some butt, it decreased the amount of live cancer in my body, the surgery took out most of the rest of it, hopefully the radiation will take care of whatever is left. And in addition to that I am on hormone therapy for at least 5 years. And as you already know I am on Herceptin for a year.
I am slowly coming to peace with the fact that I am going to spend the rest of my life with Breast Cancer looming somewheres in the background. I just hope it is a long life, after all, I have to grow old with my husband :-). In addition to that I have many other things that I wish to do in my life.
For all those that are dealing with this horrid fucking disease; know that you are a survivor from day one of your diagnosis. Know that there are 5, 10, 15, 20 plus year survivors. You will hang in there! And one day there will even be a cure. There is a breast cancer vaccine in clinical trials, I will blog about it once I have more information.
That is all for now,
-I Fight like a woman!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Thank You
Hello All,
I just wanted to give a few shout outs on this blog for people who have been amazing throughout this journey so far.
First my husband, Thank you for standing by me. I could not get through any of this if it were not for you. You are the reason I fight so hard. I look forward to many many many more years with you. I love you more than words can express.
My family. My mom has been my chauffeur and a shoulder to try on throughout this. You are amazing and I love you so much.
To my mother in law; who missed Christmas with most of the family and her grandchildren to be with me as I started chemo. This woman raised the most amazing man in the world, so you know she has to be amazing herself. When I think of the term Aishes Chayil, this is the woman that pops into my mind.
Aunts, Uncles Cousins, Thank you all for your well wishes, headcoverings and flowers. I love you all.
To my best buddy Liz, who has been an incredible source of strength to me during all of this. She knows how to make me laugh and listens to me when I cry. Thank you Liz!
To my Army, thank you all for being there for me through the terrible times and the good times. Thank you for the gifts and especially for the support. You are true friends.
To Young Pink Sisters, my support group. I love you all. We are all battling this horrible thing and at the same time manage to be there for one another. As long as I have ya'll in my life I know I am never alone.
To Charon: my breast cancer mentor, as I like to call you. Thank you for being there for me throughout all of this. Thank you for the gifts, the prayers, the words of encouragement and checking on me. (((hug)))
To my work friends:
THANK YOU! For covering for me when I am out dealing with this bastard Cancer. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am sooo lucky to work for the company I do. Everyone from HR, to the President, CEO, Department heads, managers, supervisors, team leads and co workers are all amazing. You each have amazing gifts and strengths and every day I look forward to going to work or at times back to work it is because of you!
To my non work friends. You are all crazy, wonderful and beautiful! I am blessed to have you in my life.
To my Cancer Team (nurses, drs. phlebotomists etc) Thank you for actually caring about me. Seeing more than just a name with a diagnosis. Thank you for consoling me when I get terrified of treatment. For holding my hand as I go through this nightmare. Thank you for never missing a stick when you draw my blood or access my port. Thank you for working so hard to save my life. I will always be grateful to you all.
To my dear blog readers, Thank you! Just knowing that you are coming to my blog and reading my rants helps me more than you can know. I hope some how, some way this blog has helped you.
That Is All For Now,
I Fight Like A Woman
I just wanted to give a few shout outs on this blog for people who have been amazing throughout this journey so far.
First my husband, Thank you for standing by me. I could not get through any of this if it were not for you. You are the reason I fight so hard. I look forward to many many many more years with you. I love you more than words can express.
My family. My mom has been my chauffeur and a shoulder to try on throughout this. You are amazing and I love you so much.
To my mother in law; who missed Christmas with most of the family and her grandchildren to be with me as I started chemo. This woman raised the most amazing man in the world, so you know she has to be amazing herself. When I think of the term Aishes Chayil, this is the woman that pops into my mind.
Aunts, Uncles Cousins, Thank you all for your well wishes, headcoverings and flowers. I love you all.
To my best buddy Liz, who has been an incredible source of strength to me during all of this. She knows how to make me laugh and listens to me when I cry. Thank you Liz!
To my Army, thank you all for being there for me through the terrible times and the good times. Thank you for the gifts and especially for the support. You are true friends.
To Young Pink Sisters, my support group. I love you all. We are all battling this horrible thing and at the same time manage to be there for one another. As long as I have ya'll in my life I know I am never alone.
To Charon: my breast cancer mentor, as I like to call you. Thank you for being there for me throughout all of this. Thank you for the gifts, the prayers, the words of encouragement and checking on me. (((hug)))
To my work friends:
THANK YOU! For covering for me when I am out dealing with this bastard Cancer. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am sooo lucky to work for the company I do. Everyone from HR, to the President, CEO, Department heads, managers, supervisors, team leads and co workers are all amazing. You each have amazing gifts and strengths and every day I look forward to going to work or at times back to work it is because of you!
To my non work friends. You are all crazy, wonderful and beautiful! I am blessed to have you in my life.
To my Cancer Team (nurses, drs. phlebotomists etc) Thank you for actually caring about me. Seeing more than just a name with a diagnosis. Thank you for consoling me when I get terrified of treatment. For holding my hand as I go through this nightmare. Thank you for never missing a stick when you draw my blood or access my port. Thank you for working so hard to save my life. I will always be grateful to you all.
To my dear blog readers, Thank you! Just knowing that you are coming to my blog and reading my rants helps me more than you can know. I hope some how, some way this blog has helped you.
That Is All For Now,
I Fight Like A Woman
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Just a quick update, I had my mastectomy on June 12th. I am still recovering and hope to post a longer blog soon.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Amazons and Mastectomies
My Mastectomy is going to happen in less than 48 hours. I am getting very nervous, but I have found strength. Oddly enough I found it in the oddest of place; the legend of the Amazon warriors. The legend states that there was a group of women warriors who were so fierce that they cut off their right breasts so they would be better archers. Historians believe that this myth was started to make their advisories even more fearful of them. So long story short the Amazon warriors were bad asses. Well I am doing it for real. I am a fierce warrior cutting off my breast, not to be a better archer (although that would be a plus), but to defeat my foe, Breast Cancer. I hope this scares the Breast Cancer off so it never returns. However if chemo and a mastectomy are not enough of a deterrent, radiation should be.
I will not quit fighting this war, I have too much to live for. I will grow old with my husband.
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman.
I will not quit fighting this war, I have too much to live for. I will grow old with my husband.
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Preparing for my mastectomy
This weekend I began to prepare for my mastectomy. I had my pre-op appointment last week and did a little shopping. I bought some wet ones (anti bacterial wipes) for my hospital bag, as well as some baby wipes (I figure showering the day after surgery will not be an option). I also bought an outfit to wear home; a white button down short sleeve top and a pair of white shorts. I also bought some comfy tank tops and camis (I am hoping to convert these into mastectomy camis and tank tops with a pocket for my foob (fake boob) and a shelf bra for my remaining breast). I did buy a post surgical cami and boy is it uuuuggglly, I will post a pic of it. It cost $60.00 US; has pockets for my drains and for my foob; however its an ugly beige color and not the height of fashion, but there are no seams to bother me so we will see how it goes. I have to dig out a pair of slip on slippers that I have somewheres if the dog did not eat them! I will also bring my white flip flops to wear home (my wedding flip flops), I figure they will make me happy; I love those things. Now that I think of it I should probably bring some tissues. Not sure what else to bring, Ideas anyone???
Today I am a week and two days from Mastectomy day. Getting nervous but all will be okay. I will beat this cancer into oblivion!
Sisters/brothers that are battling breast cancer; the battle is difficult; but it is worth it to keep fighting! I will win and so will you!!
That is all for now
-I Fight Like a Woman!
Today I am a week and two days from Mastectomy day. Getting nervous but all will be okay. I will beat this cancer into oblivion!
Sisters/brothers that are battling breast cancer; the battle is difficult; but it is worth it to keep fighting! I will win and so will you!!
That is all for now
-I Fight Like a Woman!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Wow it has been a long time since I blogged
I apologize that I have not blogged in so long. I am back to work part time now and that takes a lot out of me. Anywho, an update.
I finished my chemotherapy on March 27th. I am very relieved to be past it. Recovery is taking awhile. I am still exhausted and have some neuropathy. But on the plus side my hair is growing back! As some of you know, after chemo I was given a choice: mastectomy or lumpectomy. My surgeon was recommending radiation either way. This choice was the most difficult one I have ever made. I knew a lumpectomy would leave me disfigured, but would conserve the breast. I knew a mastectomy meant that I would be living without a breast for 6 months to a year. I was worried what my husband would think, how he would feel about me once the surgery was done. I was wondering how I would cope with either decision. With a lumpectomy I would be left with a fear of a local recurrence. I figured every lump and bump would terrify me and I do not want to spend my life being afraid. Although to be honest I think I will always be afraid at some level because there is a small chance of metastasis. I spent hours on the internet looking at message boards and for pictures of lumpectomies, mastectomies and reconstruction. I came across the scar project http://thescarproject.org/ and looked at the photos. Those women were beautiful even with lacking one or both breasts. This gave me courage. I decided I would have the mastectomy, save myself some of the worry and I will still be beautiful :-).
So my mastectomy and auxillary node clearance are scheduled for June 12th. I am scared, but I know it is the best decision for me. Once I finish with the surgery aprox 3 weeks later I will begin to have radiation, oh the joy! Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving! But, it will be okay. As of June 14th, I will be an 8 month breast cancer survivor!
For those facing the mastectomy/lumpectomy choice. Consult your cancer team. But, this I promise you no matter your choice mastectomy or lumpectomy; it is the correct one! Own your choice, never doubt it, never look back! You are strong, you are courageous and you are beautiful. You will win in the end!
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman
I finished my chemotherapy on March 27th. I am very relieved to be past it. Recovery is taking awhile. I am still exhausted and have some neuropathy. But on the plus side my hair is growing back! As some of you know, after chemo I was given a choice: mastectomy or lumpectomy. My surgeon was recommending radiation either way. This choice was the most difficult one I have ever made. I knew a lumpectomy would leave me disfigured, but would conserve the breast. I knew a mastectomy meant that I would be living without a breast for 6 months to a year. I was worried what my husband would think, how he would feel about me once the surgery was done. I was wondering how I would cope with either decision. With a lumpectomy I would be left with a fear of a local recurrence. I figured every lump and bump would terrify me and I do not want to spend my life being afraid. Although to be honest I think I will always be afraid at some level because there is a small chance of metastasis. I spent hours on the internet looking at message boards and for pictures of lumpectomies, mastectomies and reconstruction. I came across the scar project http://thescarproject.org/ and looked at the photos. Those women were beautiful even with lacking one or both breasts. This gave me courage. I decided I would have the mastectomy, save myself some of the worry and I will still be beautiful :-).
So my mastectomy and auxillary node clearance are scheduled for June 12th. I am scared, but I know it is the best decision for me. Once I finish with the surgery aprox 3 weeks later I will begin to have radiation, oh the joy! Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving! But, it will be okay. As of June 14th, I will be an 8 month breast cancer survivor!
For those facing the mastectomy/lumpectomy choice. Consult your cancer team. But, this I promise you no matter your choice mastectomy or lumpectomy; it is the correct one! Own your choice, never doubt it, never look back! You are strong, you are courageous and you are beautiful. You will win in the end!
That is all for now,
I Fight Like A Woman
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Signs of a changed life
In my Cancer journey certain events stay with me that inform me that my life has forever changed. Here is a list of a few.
1. Being told that I have Breast Cancer.
2. Knowing that I will need a lumpectomy or mastectomy.
3. Being told I need to have Chemotherapy and that it might take away my ability to have children.
4. Receiving my prescription of Tamoxifen. Instructions read, take one per day, for FIVE years!
5. Dr. told me that I will need to have Radiation.
6. Being told there is a small but very real chance that this cancer can metastasize and kill me one day.
My life has changed and sometimes I find myself depressed by the magnitude of it all. But, looking at the bright side, I am stronger than I ever thought I was, I am more grateful to be alive and I know what matters in my life.
For those going through treatment. It sucks doesn't it? Whether your going through chemotherapy, antibody therapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy and/or surgery its rough! All of it seems to take a piece of you, whether its your energy, your security and/or your piece of mind. Just know that you are strong, you have made it this far and you will make it the rest of the way!!
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman.
1. Being told that I have Breast Cancer.
2. Knowing that I will need a lumpectomy or mastectomy.
3. Being told I need to have Chemotherapy and that it might take away my ability to have children.
4. Receiving my prescription of Tamoxifen. Instructions read, take one per day, for FIVE years!
5. Dr. told me that I will need to have Radiation.
6. Being told there is a small but very real chance that this cancer can metastasize and kill me one day.
My life has changed and sometimes I find myself depressed by the magnitude of it all. But, looking at the bright side, I am stronger than I ever thought I was, I am more grateful to be alive and I know what matters in my life.
For those going through treatment. It sucks doesn't it? Whether your going through chemotherapy, antibody therapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy and/or surgery its rough! All of it seems to take a piece of you, whether its your energy, your security and/or your piece of mind. Just know that you are strong, you have made it this far and you will make it the rest of the way!!
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
A Choice
Hi All,
I have not been blogging recently due to a crappy bought with bronchitis. Got another script for antibiotics to help fight off the remnants. I was moved to blog tonight because I am faced with yet another choice associated with Cancer.
When someone is diagnosed with Cancer they are thrust into a world of choices. Most of the choices really are not choices because it is do this or you can die. For instance, I could have turned down chemo but that would have meant that my Cancer would kill me. For the past few weeks my oncologist has been urging me to make a choice between Lumpectomy and Mastectomy. This is one of the hardest choices I have ever been faced with. Per the oncologist the survival rate is the same for Lumpectomy plus radiation and Mastectomy. But, do I want to put myself at a risk for a reccurance, even though the chance is low? Do I want to lose my breast or breasts? I am so afraid of making the wrong choice. Even if I do get rid of both breasts there is still a chance this cancer will come back in another part of my body.
I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow to discuss my choices. I have questions for him and the radiation oncologist, the answers will determine my choice. I just hope to make the right one.
That is all for now
-I Fight Like a Woman
I have not been blogging recently due to a crappy bought with bronchitis. Got another script for antibiotics to help fight off the remnants. I was moved to blog tonight because I am faced with yet another choice associated with Cancer.
When someone is diagnosed with Cancer they are thrust into a world of choices. Most of the choices really are not choices because it is do this or you can die. For instance, I could have turned down chemo but that would have meant that my Cancer would kill me. For the past few weeks my oncologist has been urging me to make a choice between Lumpectomy and Mastectomy. This is one of the hardest choices I have ever been faced with. Per the oncologist the survival rate is the same for Lumpectomy plus radiation and Mastectomy. But, do I want to put myself at a risk for a reccurance, even though the chance is low? Do I want to lose my breast or breasts? I am so afraid of making the wrong choice. Even if I do get rid of both breasts there is still a chance this cancer will come back in another part of my body.
I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow to discuss my choices. I have questions for him and the radiation oncologist, the answers will determine my choice. I just hope to make the right one.
That is all for now
-I Fight Like a Woman
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Still recovering/planning for surgery
Hi All,
I am still recovering from big chemo number 6. Cannot believe I made it through, yeow! Anywho, still dealing with feeling crappy, I think I have thrush again. At least I can get that addressed when I see my oncologist again tomorrow.
As I mentioned in previous blogs surgery is the next step in this process. It is very scary because my husband and I are making a choice that will change me forever. Our choices (currently) Lumpectomy with Radiation (and that is if a scan says it is okay), Mastectomy or Double Mastectomy. Many women have said that they would do the Double Mastectomy. I think I would say the same if I were in their position. But, these are my breasts, part of me. I dreamed that one day they would nourish my future children, now they can kill me; heck one has already tried! The thing that makes this choice more difficult is that I do not think I would qualify for immediate reconstruction because we do not know how many lymph nodes had/have cancer in them. If I have over a certain amount of lymph nodes effected I will need radiation and they just do not do reconstruction before radiation. So I could face being boobless or a one boober for awhile. Not fun. So I have been exploring the internet looking up breast forms, bras etc. Information about recovery times from different procedures etc. It is all very sad and scary. But in the end I will make the hard choices and reach my goal of growing old with my husband.
I am going to try to start posting to this blog more often now that I am past chemo, so check back for updates.
On a positive note I got hair trying to come back in!!! So its time for hairwatch 2013!!! hehehe. I will keep you updated and post pics of my progress! After chemo hair can come in differently. So... will my hair come in curly or straight? what color will it be? will I just dye it anyways. We will see. I am going to try and have fun with this part.
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like A Woman
I am still recovering from big chemo number 6. Cannot believe I made it through, yeow! Anywho, still dealing with feeling crappy, I think I have thrush again. At least I can get that addressed when I see my oncologist again tomorrow.
As I mentioned in previous blogs surgery is the next step in this process. It is very scary because my husband and I are making a choice that will change me forever. Our choices (currently) Lumpectomy with Radiation (and that is if a scan says it is okay), Mastectomy or Double Mastectomy. Many women have said that they would do the Double Mastectomy. I think I would say the same if I were in their position. But, these are my breasts, part of me. I dreamed that one day they would nourish my future children, now they can kill me; heck one has already tried! The thing that makes this choice more difficult is that I do not think I would qualify for immediate reconstruction because we do not know how many lymph nodes had/have cancer in them. If I have over a certain amount of lymph nodes effected I will need radiation and they just do not do reconstruction before radiation. So I could face being boobless or a one boober for awhile. Not fun. So I have been exploring the internet looking up breast forms, bras etc. Information about recovery times from different procedures etc. It is all very sad and scary. But in the end I will make the hard choices and reach my goal of growing old with my husband.
I am going to try to start posting to this blog more often now that I am past chemo, so check back for updates.
On a positive note I got hair trying to come back in!!! So its time for hairwatch 2013!!! hehehe. I will keep you updated and post pics of my progress! After chemo hair can come in differently. So... will my hair come in curly or straight? what color will it be? will I just dye it anyways. We will see. I am going to try and have fun with this part.
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like A Woman
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Last Chemo Day!!
Huzzah, As a gamer chic I think I most certainly leveled. The actual infusion was not bad, got home and surprisingly did not fall straight to sleep. I did take a small nap tho. Now is the time of infusion night when the side effects begin to creep in, boo hiss! I just need to keep thinking is that it is killing the cancer. I am so going for a PCR (Pathological Complete Response).
I and my husband are currently in the process of making a difficult decision about my upcoming surgery. Hopefully we will make the right one.
Next steps are surgery, pills, possible radiation and reconstruction. So much more ahead of me. Right now I am a mix of emotions, so happy that I am done with Chemo! Angry that all of this is happening to me. Hopeful that everything will turn out okay. Terrified that the cancer can come back.
That is the thing about breast cancer. It can always come back. There will always be a chance that there are dormant cancer cells in my body that the chemo did not kill. I am doing everything possible to prevent that!
Any who, on the positive side, i finished my last chemo today! The hair on my head seems to be coming back slowly and patchy. My nails are growing again. And hopefully we will have spring weather soon!
On the sad side. A wonderful lady from one of my chemo support groups got her wings yesterday/this morning. She was an amazing woman who is leaving behind a beautiful family. I pray for her and her family. She was such an inspiration to all of us in the group. She was so brave and did so well on her whole journey. I hope she knew/knows how much we all love her and how proud of her we are. RIP my sister!
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman
I and my husband are currently in the process of making a difficult decision about my upcoming surgery. Hopefully we will make the right one.
Next steps are surgery, pills, possible radiation and reconstruction. So much more ahead of me. Right now I am a mix of emotions, so happy that I am done with Chemo! Angry that all of this is happening to me. Hopeful that everything will turn out okay. Terrified that the cancer can come back.
That is the thing about breast cancer. It can always come back. There will always be a chance that there are dormant cancer cells in my body that the chemo did not kill. I am doing everything possible to prevent that!
Any who, on the positive side, i finished my last chemo today! The hair on my head seems to be coming back slowly and patchy. My nails are growing again. And hopefully we will have spring weather soon!
On the sad side. A wonderful lady from one of my chemo support groups got her wings yesterday/this morning. She was an amazing woman who is leaving behind a beautiful family. I pray for her and her family. She was such an inspiration to all of us in the group. She was so brave and did so well on her whole journey. I hope she knew/knows how much we all love her and how proud of her we are. RIP my sister!
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Chemo is hell
Hi All,
Sorry for the delay in posting but, chemo has been sucking, with each infusion I stay sick longer.
Anywho, Wonderful news! Tomorrow is my last infusion of Taxotere and Carboplatin! All I will have to continue getting is Herceptin for a year. Taxotere and Carboplatin are a bear but, so far, Herceptin is not that bad. As promised here are photos of a typical infusion day!
It all begins with checking in, getting vitals taken and blood work!
During chemo you become a human pincushion of sorts. But my phlebotomy team is awesome, so it is not so bad.
Then the next picture shows the joy on my face when I get to see the Oncologist every three weeks! I complain about what ails me then they say something to to tune of I know, perhaps prescribe something but the main message is suck it up, only __ this many more!
Then I take my ticket and go into the infusion room and choose my recliner, These are actually pretty comfy. Here I sit waiting for my port to be accessed.
The next picture shows my friend the IV pole that controls the flow of pois *cough* I mean medicine into my body. Aw heck who am I kidding, I get poison IV's every week and I am still here to tell the tale, pretty cool huh?
Next few pictures are of the premeds I get and take to help my body be able to tolerate the poison. I get 5 different drugs to protect me from the Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. In no particular order, Decadron (Steriod), Emend (Nausea), Benadryl (Antihistamine), Tylenol, and Aloxi (anti nausea).

Port Accessed, time to get the premeds flowing!!

Next pic I believe is the Herceptin flowing.
Best pic, my view from my chair, that is the bathroom across the way, I always try to sit near a bathroom, and you can see the best support in the world off to the side, that is my husband. I love him so, he is the reason I am fighting so hard. I will grow old with that man!!
There are many more steps in this journey until I am well again but I am so happy that the Chemo will be over soon.
For those going through this are about to go through Chemo as you can see, it is scary but all in all not too bad. I promise after the first infusion you get used to the actual infusion, people are nice and it is a relaxing place. Hang in there you will make it through!
That is all for now
-I Fight Like A Woman
Sorry for the delay in posting but, chemo has been sucking, with each infusion I stay sick longer.
Anywho, Wonderful news! Tomorrow is my last infusion of Taxotere and Carboplatin! All I will have to continue getting is Herceptin for a year. Taxotere and Carboplatin are a bear but, so far, Herceptin is not that bad. As promised here are photos of a typical infusion day!
It all begins with checking in, getting vitals taken and blood work!

Port Accessed, time to get the premeds flowing!!

Next pic I believe is the Herceptin flowing.
Best pic, my view from my chair, that is the bathroom across the way, I always try to sit near a bathroom, and you can see the best support in the world off to the side, that is my husband. I love him so, he is the reason I am fighting so hard. I will grow old with that man!!
There are many more steps in this journey until I am well again but I am so happy that the Chemo will be over soon.
For those going through this are about to go through Chemo as you can see, it is scary but all in all not too bad. I promise after the first infusion you get used to the actual infusion, people are nice and it is a relaxing place. Hang in there you will make it through!
That is all for now
-I Fight Like A Woman
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Big Tx 4
Today went pretty well, I even took a couple of cat naps during the infusion and one longer nap when I got home. Been trying to stay on top of my nausea medications and hope to sleep well tonight. I did take some pictures today which I will post as soon as I am strong enough and can figure out how to get the pics off of my phone.
The Oncologist had a talk with me about exercise. He says there are days that I will not be able to but I should try on days I can. So I am going to have my wonderful husband take some short walks with me, just in case I get dizzy. The Oncologist said that it will make it easier to recover from my impending surgery.
Two more big infusions to go...then I meet with the surgeon. I am very nervous about that because it will result in missed work and an even greater change in body appearance.
Can't wait to finish all this so I can get back to work and have semi-normal life again.
That is all for now
-I Fight Like A Woman
The Oncologist had a talk with me about exercise. He says there are days that I will not be able to but I should try on days I can. So I am going to have my wonderful husband take some short walks with me, just in case I get dizzy. The Oncologist said that it will make it easier to recover from my impending surgery.
Two more big infusions to go...then I meet with the surgeon. I am very nervous about that because it will result in missed work and an even greater change in body appearance.
Can't wait to finish all this so I can get back to work and have semi-normal life again.
That is all for now
-I Fight Like A Woman
Monday, February 11, 2013
An Update and my spiritual struggle.
Hi All,
Just a little update for you all. I am 1.5 days from big chemo dose 4; very nervous, unsure how bad the recovery will be since I am already so tired; but I will make it through! I have been trying to focus on the future more so than now lately, but it is so hard to focus on the future when you have cancer with a 74% survival rate for 5 years. Now I know my odds are good and I will beat this, it is just sometimes the statistics pop into my mind. It makes me cry because I love life. I am trying to figure out the why of this whole thing. Why would God decide to give me Cancer when my life is going so well. I have a wonderful husband, a wonderful job and I was about to try for my first child. I figure there must be some reason I am going through this. A lot of people talk about God to me, that he will see me through this, one person had said that God told her that he had already cured me. It is kind of difficult when people talk to me about God right now. It's not that I do not believe, I do. It's not that I do not love God, I do. I guess it is a lack of trust and/or just down right anger right now. I do not understand God.
In Christianity, God is all the omnis. Omnibenevolent (all good), Omniscient, Omnipotent. In Judaism, we do not necessarily say that God is the omnis, because God is one, she does not have attributes (thank you Maimonides). That being said if you ask a Jew, they will probably say God is the omni's except for maybe omnibenevolent. To me omnibenevolence would mean that things like this Cancer would not happen. Some would say things may not be good for one person but everything that happens is for the greater good. I do not see how this cancer could be for the greater good. Maybe one day I will understand but, right now I do not.
I was at a friends house today laying on the couch and watching a DVD of a priest's talk. He was talking about suffering. He said that through Jesus; God has experienced suffering and walks with us through it. I do not believe that Jesus is God, but maybe God has suffered at some point and can understand; this is something that I need to meditate on and pray about. Perhaps at the very least God has suffered loneliness after all she created the angels and us.
I will end this with a prayer
Hashem (God) help me know that you are with me, that you have not abandoned me. Help me trust in you even though I am angry. Please allow me to grow old with my husband and if you could throw in a baby or two as well, that would be great.
For those going through this, if you are not struggling in your relationship with God, great! I am so happy for you. If you are struggling maybe prayer and reflection will help you. If you do not believe in God, I respect that and I hope you are able to gather all the strength you need from another source. Whomever is on this journey, keep on fighting! You will make it through! You are not alone.
That is all for now,
I Fight Like a Woman
Just a little update for you all. I am 1.5 days from big chemo dose 4; very nervous, unsure how bad the recovery will be since I am already so tired; but I will make it through! I have been trying to focus on the future more so than now lately, but it is so hard to focus on the future when you have cancer with a 74% survival rate for 5 years. Now I know my odds are good and I will beat this, it is just sometimes the statistics pop into my mind. It makes me cry because I love life. I am trying to figure out the why of this whole thing. Why would God decide to give me Cancer when my life is going so well. I have a wonderful husband, a wonderful job and I was about to try for my first child. I figure there must be some reason I am going through this. A lot of people talk about God to me, that he will see me through this, one person had said that God told her that he had already cured me. It is kind of difficult when people talk to me about God right now. It's not that I do not believe, I do. It's not that I do not love God, I do. I guess it is a lack of trust and/or just down right anger right now. I do not understand God.
In Christianity, God is all the omnis. Omnibenevolent (all good), Omniscient, Omnipotent. In Judaism, we do not necessarily say that God is the omnis, because God is one, she does not have attributes (thank you Maimonides). That being said if you ask a Jew, they will probably say God is the omni's except for maybe omnibenevolent. To me omnibenevolence would mean that things like this Cancer would not happen. Some would say things may not be good for one person but everything that happens is for the greater good. I do not see how this cancer could be for the greater good. Maybe one day I will understand but, right now I do not.
I was at a friends house today laying on the couch and watching a DVD of a priest's talk. He was talking about suffering. He said that through Jesus; God has experienced suffering and walks with us through it. I do not believe that Jesus is God, but maybe God has suffered at some point and can understand; this is something that I need to meditate on and pray about. Perhaps at the very least God has suffered loneliness after all she created the angels and us.
I will end this with a prayer
Hashem (God) help me know that you are with me, that you have not abandoned me. Help me trust in you even though I am angry. Please allow me to grow old with my husband and if you could throw in a baby or two as well, that would be great.
For those going through this, if you are not struggling in your relationship with God, great! I am so happy for you. If you are struggling maybe prayer and reflection will help you. If you do not believe in God, I respect that and I hope you are able to gather all the strength you need from another source. Whomever is on this journey, keep on fighting! You will make it through! You are not alone.
That is all for now,
I Fight Like a Woman
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Vlog My Breast Cancer Story So Far...
Here is a video version of my Cancer Journey. You also get to see my beautiful bald head.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Chemo part 2 delayed and...the real deal
I apologize I have not posted chemo prep part two. I filmed it before my most recent Tx and have been struggling. I will try to get it posted in the next few days depending on how I am feeling.
I had a rough weekend and morning due to lovely chemo side effects. Ended up at the Oncologists office getting extra fluids (having trouble drinking enough), steroids, Ativan for nausea and to help me chill out and a perscription to treat my thrush. Yes! I got the horrid Thrush! I also got a talking to about taking my meds, all of my meds when I need them and staying ahead. I am beginning to feel better and I am on board with that.
I had an interesting discussion with my best friend tonight. I usually try to be light about everything, sarcastic at times and I joke.
Tonight she said. Seriously how are you doing? Wow, what a question. It is a difficult one to answer because Cancer treatment is kind of a rollercoaster; just ask my amazing husband. I can be fine one moment and crying my eyes out the next. Between the drugs they give you, the fear you face on an almost daily basis, the loss of control over your life; it is enough to drive anyone mad.
I honestly know very little about what the future holds. I feel okay now, but I can wake up tomorrow feeling like total crap. There are times just hearing my husband play the ukulele; I begin to cry because statistics begin to play in my mind and I wonder, just for a second, will I beat this? Luckily the answer from me at least is a resounding yes, I do not know how I will beat this, but I will. I will grow old with my husband!!
So my answer for my friend was depends on the moment, the day. I need to break things down into moment by moment, day by day. Like for this moment I am doing okay. I think this is useful advice for anyone facing down the dreaded Cancer beast. Try taking things day by day, if it is too much take it moment by moment. AND if things are really crappy call your Oncologist. Their goal is to get you through treatment.
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman
I had a rough weekend and morning due to lovely chemo side effects. Ended up at the Oncologists office getting extra fluids (having trouble drinking enough), steroids, Ativan for nausea and to help me chill out and a perscription to treat my thrush. Yes! I got the horrid Thrush! I also got a talking to about taking my meds, all of my meds when I need them and staying ahead. I am beginning to feel better and I am on board with that.
I had an interesting discussion with my best friend tonight. I usually try to be light about everything, sarcastic at times and I joke.
Tonight she said. Seriously how are you doing? Wow, what a question. It is a difficult one to answer because Cancer treatment is kind of a rollercoaster; just ask my amazing husband. I can be fine one moment and crying my eyes out the next. Between the drugs they give you, the fear you face on an almost daily basis, the loss of control over your life; it is enough to drive anyone mad.
I honestly know very little about what the future holds. I feel okay now, but I can wake up tomorrow feeling like total crap. There are times just hearing my husband play the ukulele; I begin to cry because statistics begin to play in my mind and I wonder, just for a second, will I beat this? Luckily the answer from me at least is a resounding yes, I do not know how I will beat this, but I will. I will grow old with my husband!!
So my answer for my friend was depends on the moment, the day. I need to break things down into moment by moment, day by day. Like for this moment I am doing okay. I think this is useful advice for anyone facing down the dreaded Cancer beast. Try taking things day by day, if it is too much take it moment by moment. AND if things are really crappy call your Oncologist. Their goal is to get you through treatment.
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Video Blog Chemo Prep Part 1
Hello All,
Here is my second video blog, if there are any issues with volume etc please let me know.
This video focuses on Chemo Prep! So exciting. Please c
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman!
Here is my second video blog, if there are any issues with volume etc please let me know.
This video focuses on Chemo Prep! So exciting. Please c
If you have any questions or advice for gearing up for chemo please post a comment, I will do my best to respond in a timely manner, however, it may take a few days depending on where I am in my Chemo cycle.
That is all for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Chemo Blues
Hello Friends,
I am in the midst of the chemo blues. I realized that my next big infusion is next Wens. All I could think is already???? I am just starting to feel better! I began to get depressed. I went in yesterday for my Herceptin and was told that my platelets are low and that they need to come up a little for me to have my big infusion next week. You would think that I would be relieved at the possibility of not having the big infusion next week. Nope, I feel sad, and I am wishing, hoping, willing my platelets back up so that next weeks infusion can go off without a hitch. Sounds crazy huh? The way I look at it is, next infusion is my half way point. It will be infusion three out of six, which would mean I am half way to this portion of the nightmare being over! I just want to make it past this chemotherapy, it will be a small win. If it works that will be a big win! I am hoping that the Drs. will re measure the tumor next Wens to make sure this chemo is working.
I am in prep mode for the next big infusion, trying to take lessons learned from the previous two and apply them. I am sprucing up the chemo cave and trying to figure out which TV show I want to dig up on netflix to watch. Last time I watched all of season one of Once Upon a Time. It is an okay show. I figure if I find a good TV show to distract myself, my time in the chemo cave won't be so rough!
To share my lessons learned for those of you going through chemo or about to go through chemo I will share my list. I encourage all who are going through chemo to make a list before each infusion that way you have a battle plan.
1. Start using Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash the day before infusion to help keep your mouth from drying out too much.
2. Do not be shy about magic mouthwash. As soon as I feel a sore coming on I swish.
3. Have sour candy on hand to battle metal mouth. Sour Cherries are my favorite.
4. Need some soothing things for Nausea. I plan to go out and buy gingins candy this weekend, if I can find it. I also now have ginger tea on hand. I hear that ginger helps with nausea; so we will see if it works.
5. Cream soups, I need to make sure I have cream soups on hand. Last infusion they were the only thing I could stand to eat mixed with mashed potatoes. Also I am going to try to consume more vegetables. So I may throw some veggies into the mix.
6. I need to break down my eating into several small meals which will hopefully help with the nausea.
7. I need to stop trying to figure out how I felt on such and such a day last cycle. New cycle may be different, I refuse to torture myself trying to figure it out with chemo brain. I am just going to try to make it through and hopefully by day 11 or 12 I will be feeling better.
8. Request to come in for fluids a couple of days after my infusion. I have a hard time drinking after infusions so hopefully getting IV fluids will help me feel less crappy.
9. Start Attivan day one of cycle to help me sleep and to keep nausea at bay.
That is all for now.
-I Fight Like a Woman.
I am in the midst of the chemo blues. I realized that my next big infusion is next Wens. All I could think is already???? I am just starting to feel better! I began to get depressed. I went in yesterday for my Herceptin and was told that my platelets are low and that they need to come up a little for me to have my big infusion next week. You would think that I would be relieved at the possibility of not having the big infusion next week. Nope, I feel sad, and I am wishing, hoping, willing my platelets back up so that next weeks infusion can go off without a hitch. Sounds crazy huh? The way I look at it is, next infusion is my half way point. It will be infusion three out of six, which would mean I am half way to this portion of the nightmare being over! I just want to make it past this chemotherapy, it will be a small win. If it works that will be a big win! I am hoping that the Drs. will re measure the tumor next Wens to make sure this chemo is working.
I am in prep mode for the next big infusion, trying to take lessons learned from the previous two and apply them. I am sprucing up the chemo cave and trying to figure out which TV show I want to dig up on netflix to watch. Last time I watched all of season one of Once Upon a Time. It is an okay show. I figure if I find a good TV show to distract myself, my time in the chemo cave won't be so rough!
To share my lessons learned for those of you going through chemo or about to go through chemo I will share my list. I encourage all who are going through chemo to make a list before each infusion that way you have a battle plan.
1. Start using Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash the day before infusion to help keep your mouth from drying out too much.
2. Do not be shy about magic mouthwash. As soon as I feel a sore coming on I swish.
3. Have sour candy on hand to battle metal mouth. Sour Cherries are my favorite.
4. Need some soothing things for Nausea. I plan to go out and buy gingins candy this weekend, if I can find it. I also now have ginger tea on hand. I hear that ginger helps with nausea; so we will see if it works.
5. Cream soups, I need to make sure I have cream soups on hand. Last infusion they were the only thing I could stand to eat mixed with mashed potatoes. Also I am going to try to consume more vegetables. So I may throw some veggies into the mix.
6. I need to break down my eating into several small meals which will hopefully help with the nausea.
7. I need to stop trying to figure out how I felt on such and such a day last cycle. New cycle may be different, I refuse to torture myself trying to figure it out with chemo brain. I am just going to try to make it through and hopefully by day 11 or 12 I will be feeling better.
8. Request to come in for fluids a couple of days after my infusion. I have a hard time drinking after infusions so hopefully getting IV fluids will help me feel less crappy.
9. Start Attivan day one of cycle to help me sleep and to keep nausea at bay.
That is all for now.
-I Fight Like a Woman.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
First Video Blog
Darn video editing software: Here is what was cut off, too tired to re edit.
For those of you going through this. I am so sorry! But you will make it through this! I am the biggest wimp in the universe and I am making it through. So will you!!!!!
That Is All For Now
-I Fight Like a Woman
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Good Evening World,
This has been a long day. Chemo changes perception, I thought tomorrow was Friday lol. It is only Wens, I was so hoping it was going to be Friday so I can feel better. Crazy huh?
It is so hard to be positive right now, the main thing I am dealing with is exhaustion, nausea and mouth issues. Nothing tastes nor feels right this time around. Maybe it is earlier than I think it is, I feel like I should be starting to feel better by now.
Tomorrow is another Tx of Herceptin.
YAY Go team Herceptin! It is the infusion that so far has caused me no issues.
I will whip my cell phone or kindle out and walk you through the process tomorrow.
I took some nausea medicine and attivan I am starting to get kind of sleepy so I am going to go for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman!
This has been a long day. Chemo changes perception, I thought tomorrow was Friday lol. It is only Wens, I was so hoping it was going to be Friday so I can feel better. Crazy huh?
It is so hard to be positive right now, the main thing I am dealing with is exhaustion, nausea and mouth issues. Nothing tastes nor feels right this time around. Maybe it is earlier than I think it is, I feel like I should be starting to feel better by now.
Tomorrow is another Tx of Herceptin.
YAY Go team Herceptin! It is the infusion that so far has caused me no issues.
I will whip my cell phone or kindle out and walk you through the process tomorrow.
I took some nausea medicine and attivan I am starting to get kind of sleepy so I am going to go for now,
-I Fight Like a Woman!
Monday, January 7, 2013
The recovery from this Chemo has been more difficult in some ways and easier in others. I am exhausted, more than I think I have ever been. I feel like someone is sitting on me, holding me down. It is heart breaking. I will find my strength again hopefully in the next few days. Just wanted to update you all. Hair is still coming out, Thank God for the short buzz cut or it would be horrifying. I can feel my scalp now which is weird.
Wens I go back to the cancer center for another short infusion of Herceptin, at least it is no wheres as bad as the long infusions.
I hope to update more tomorrow,
I Fight Like A Woman
Wens I go back to the cancer center for another short infusion of Herceptin, at least it is no wheres as bad as the long infusions.
I hope to update more tomorrow,
I Fight Like A Woman
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
To the Chemo Cave
Today's infusion went well. But I am already feeling effects from it. I am exhausted, feel sick and more hair is coming out. I will hopefully be posting about the hair thing as well as a day in the life in the chemo lounge once I climb out of my chemo cave.
I hope all is well with everyone.
That Is All For Now
-I Fight Like A Woman
I hope all is well with everyone.
That Is All For Now
-I Fight Like A Woman
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Day before TCH 2
They call my treatment TCH ( Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin). Every three weeks I get an infusion of all three. Every week I get Herceptin. Tomorrow I get all three, I am not looking forward to the aftermath. But, I will make it through. If I must I will crawl back into my chemo cave for a few days or a week and just chill.
Today will be spent prepping for my recovery. I will be packing my chemo bag, creating an easy log to keep track of side effects and making a comfortable chemo cave. I learned some tips and tricks from my last Tx so I will incorporate those to make me as comfortable as possible.
To everyone who is going through Chemo, my advice ,take the lessons from your previous infusions of what worked to get you through and incorporate them.
Today will be spent prepping for my recovery. I will be packing my chemo bag, creating an easy log to keep track of side effects and making a comfortable chemo cave. I learned some tips and tricks from my last Tx so I will incorporate those to make me as comfortable as possible.
To everyone who is going through Chemo, my advice ,take the lessons from your previous infusions of what worked to get you through and incorporate them.
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