Hello All,
I just wanted to give a few shout outs on this blog for people who have been amazing throughout this journey so far.
First my husband, Thank you for standing by me. I could not get through any of this if it were not for you. You are the reason I fight so hard. I look forward to many many many more years with you. I love you more than words can express.
My family. My mom has been my chauffeur and a shoulder to try on throughout this. You are amazing and I love you so much.
To my mother in law; who missed Christmas with most of the family and her grandchildren to be with me as I started chemo. This woman raised the most amazing man in the world, so you know she has to be amazing herself. When I think of the term Aishes Chayil, this is the woman that pops into my mind.
Aunts, Uncles Cousins, Thank you all for your well wishes, headcoverings and flowers. I love you all.
To my best buddy Liz, who has been an incredible source of strength to me during all of this. She knows how to make me laugh and listens to me when I cry. Thank you Liz!
To my Army, thank you all for being there for me through the terrible times and the good times. Thank you for the gifts and especially for the support. You are true friends.
To Young Pink Sisters, my support group. I love you all. We are all battling this horrible thing and at the same time manage to be there for one another. As long as I have ya'll in my life I know I am never alone.
To Charon: my breast cancer mentor, as I like to call you. Thank you for being there for me throughout all of this. Thank you for the gifts, the prayers, the words of encouragement and checking on me. (((hug)))
To my work friends:
THANK YOU! For covering for me when I am out dealing with this bastard Cancer. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am sooo lucky to work for the company I do. Everyone from HR, to the President, CEO, Department heads, managers, supervisors, team leads and co workers are all amazing. You each have amazing gifts and strengths and every day I look forward to going to work or at times back to work it is because of you!
To my non work friends. You are all crazy, wonderful and beautiful! I am blessed to have you in my life.
To my Cancer Team (nurses, drs. phlebotomists etc) Thank you for actually caring about me. Seeing more than just a name with a diagnosis. Thank you for consoling me when I get terrified of treatment. For holding my hand as I go through this nightmare. Thank you for never missing a stick when you draw my blood or access my port. Thank you for working so hard to save my life. I will always be grateful to you all.
To my dear blog readers, Thank you! Just knowing that you are coming to my blog and reading my rants helps me more than you can know. I hope some how, some way this blog has helped you.
That Is All For Now,
I Fight Like A Woman
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